N32 Spanish Tercios of Texas 1
  • Resin mounted figure
  • 54mm scale
  • Etched brass of reins, spurs, horseshoes and rifle belt included

On August 6, 1804 a royal order created the Spanish Tercios of Texas to strengthen the Spanish troops in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, present-day Texas. However, due to the troubled situation in Spain and the rest of Europe, those troops dit not were deployed in America.
Later, during the Peninsular War, they went into action in Menjibar and they were the main pillar of the Spanish Infantry in the battle of Bailen.
The uniforms of the Cavalry and Infantry regiments of Texas are the same of the Line Cavalry and Infantry, therefore you may choose any of their colours.

Colours for the figure:

  • Dark blue jacket with red front and edgings.
  • Red waistcoat.
  • Dark blue troisers.
  • Black boots and cartridge belt.
  • White globes and Sam Browne.
  • Black hat with gold edgings.
  • Gold buttons.

Colours for the horse

  • Brown saddle.
  • Dark blue blanket with gold edgings.

Dark blue weapon with gold edgings.